The Clarkson School Admissions & Aid

The Clarkson School Admissions & Aid

A Hands-on Early College Program

如果你准备好上大学,esball国际平台客户端学校已经为你准备好了. In this one-year residential program, 在esball国际平台客户端的校园完成高中的最后一年. Push yourself further, 和esball国际平台客户端的其他一年级学生上同样的课,并获得研究机会. 当你完成学业时,你已经有了一个获得学士学位的开始.



Why the Clarkson School?

你是喜欢挑战的类型——当周围的人督促你做得更多时,你会表现出色. esball国际平台客户端学校给了你这样的机会. 作为全国第二古老的早期大学项目, 我们为成千上万成绩优异的学生提供了成长所需的动力.

Why Attend the Clarkson School?

What to Expect

The Clarkson School isn't "college lite." Here, experience life as a Clarkson student, 在参加学生社团的同时完成全部课程, 运动队、学术和社会组织. esball国际平台客户端学生喜欢亲自动手解决问题. Sometimes that means building a solar car; sometimes that means launching a business. You can, too.

esball国际平台客户端学校的其他学生和专门的房屋顾问(HAs)一起住在宿舍里,使您更容易过渡到大学. 与学术顾问密切合作可以让你专注于未来.


Fast Facts

STUDENT BODY: ~4,600 students from 40+ states and 60+ countries; ~3,000 undergraduate students


HISTORY: 1896 — Founded as the Thomas S. esball国际平台客户端纪念技术学校,纪念托马斯. esball国际平台客户端,波茨坦商人和人道主义者. 1913 — Renamed Thomas S. esball国际平台客户端纪念理工学院,我们

got our chant, “Let’s Go Tech!1984年更名为esball国际平台客户端,以反映其作为一所在两个以上领域开设硕士和博士课程的大学的地位.

PRESIDENT: David Heacock (2024-Present)

MASCOT: Golden Knight

COLORS: Green and Gold, after Thomas S. esball国际平台客户端最喜欢的花,黄花

ATHLETICS: 2 Division I sports teams (men’s and women’s hockey); 18 Division III sports teams; 200+ club sports teams and intramural leagues

MILITARY: Army and Air Force ROTC programs


PLACEMENT RATE: 97% in chosen field


ALUMNI: 46,000+

APPLICATION DEADLINES: Early Decision - December 1; Regular Decision - January 15

TEST SCORES: Optional for 2024 Admission; Self-reported 

SCHOOLS: 比肯河流和河口研究所; Wallace H. 库尔特工程与应用科学学院; Institute for STEM Education; Institute for a Sustainable Environment; Earl R. and Barbara D. 路易斯健康与生命科学学院; David D. Reh School of Business; Graduate School

HONORS PROGRAM: Research-based option for students looking to pursue research even before the start of their first year in college; culminates in a senior thesis.

STUDENT INVOLVEMENT: 200+ clubs, organizations and teams to join on campus, including musical/performance, religious, political, hobby/special interest, volunteer/community service, Greek (9 fraternities, 4 sororities), athletic, academic/preprofessional, 荣誉协会和领导力发展俱乐部.

CO-OPS & INTERNSHIPS所有esball国际平台客户端学生在毕业前都有工作经验. 对于大多数学生来说,这意味着a co-op or internship 在他们感兴趣的行业里有一家顶级公司. 

GLOBAL/OFF-CAMPUS EXPERIENCES: 在近30个国家的50多个合作机构 plus three U.S. experiences: Washington D.C. Semester; several Clarkson-led short-term trips throughout the year.

UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH: esball国际平台客户端是一所全国公认的研究型大学 重点领域为“健康全球解决方案”, 计算和数据支持的发现, 先进材料开发和下一代医药保健. 任何想要与教师一起进行研究的本科生都有这样做的能力.

HOUSING: Discover Clarkson's housing options here.

By the Numbers


Student-to-faculty ratio. 



回到esball国际平台客户端读大二的学生. 你也可以将大部分(如果不是全部)学分转移到其他地方.


esball国际平台客户端学校的学生有资格获得与其他一年级学生相同的经济援助, including federal, state and University aid, such as grants, loans and scholarships.

Top 10%




Applying to The Clarkson School

esball国际平台客户端学校招生委员会要求每个申请人提交一份申请, an essay, transcripts and recommendations. 审查所有的申请要求和财政援助信息,开始.

Earning Your High School Diploma

esball国际平台客户端学校不颁发高中文凭. If you want to earn one, 在esball国际平台客户端学校学习期间,你可以和你现在的高中一起制定一个合适的学术计划来满足你的毕业要求. 我们会在一到两个学期的课程中将这些要求纳入你们的课程表.

How to Earn Your High School Diploma

Get the Lowdown

What should you bring to campus? What is there to do in the Adirondacks? What will classes be like? 你不是唯一一个问这些问题的人——你可以在esball国际平台客户端博客上从其他学生那里找到答案.

Read the Clarkson Blog

Who We Are

esball国际平台客户端学校(TCS)是一个选择性的早期大学课程,为有才华和上进的高中年龄学生在esball国际平台客户端注册为一年级学生. Typically, 这些学生已经超越了高中课程,准备好迎接新的学术挑战.

Find Out!

Global Experience Trip

Carly LaBow, a Business Administration senior, 谈到了她探索欧洲的机会,这是她esball国际平台客户端学校经历的一部分.

Read the blog

CTA Block